Over 18. no runs. Bowler: Chris Green. Derbyshire Falcons: 122/10(rr 6.78)
17.4Green to P BrownW
Wicket. OUT! Run Out. Chris Green to Patrick Brown. Length ball, working, Played to mid wicket, fielded by Jennings.
17.3Green to P Brown0
Dot ball. Chris Green to Patrick Brown. Length ball, defending, Edged to silly point for no runs.
17.2Green to D DupavillonW
Wicket. OUT! Caught & Bowled. Chris Green to Daryn Dupavillon. Length ball, driving, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled back to bowler, caught by Green.
17.1Green to Z ChappellW
Wicket. OUT! Bowled. Chris Green to Zak Chappell. Half volley, Slog, missed.
End of over. Over 17. 8 runs. Bowler: Tom Aspinwall. Derbyshire Falcons: 122/7(rr 7.18)
16.6Aspinwall to Z Chappell1
One run. Tom Aspinwall to Zak Chappell. Yorker, working, Played to deep mid wicket for 1 run.
16.5Aspinwall to M Wagstafflb
Leg bye. Tom Aspinwall to Mitch Wagstaff. Back of a length, glancing, hit pad to silly point for 1 run.
16.4Aspinwall to B GuestW
Wicket. OUT! Caught. Tom Aspinwall to Brooke Guest. Full toss, driving, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to extra cover, caught by Jennings.
16.3Aspinwall to Z Chappell1
One run. Tom Aspinwall to Zak Chappell. Full toss, Slog, mis-timed to mid wicket for 1 run.
16.2Aspinwall to Z Chappell4
Four runs. FOUR! Tom Aspinwall to Zak Chappell. Length ball, Slog, Hit Hard in the air under control past long on for 4 runs.
16.1Aspinwall to B Guest1
One run. Tom Aspinwall to Brooke Guest. Full toss, driving, Played to extra cover for 1 run.
End of over. Over 16. 4 runs. Bowler: Jack Blatherwick. Derbyshire Falcons: 114/6(rr 7.12)
15.6Blatherwick to Z Chappell0
Dot ball. Jack Blatherwick to Zak Chappell. Short, hooking, missed for no runs, fielded by Hurst.
15.5Blatherwick to B Guest1
One run. Jack Blatherwick to Brooke Guest. Short, pulling, Played to fine leg for 1 run.
15.4Blatherwick to B Guest0
Dot ball. Jack Blatherwick to Brooke Guest. Short, pulling, missed for no runs, fielded by Hurst.
15.3Blatherwick to B Guest0
Dot ball. Jack Blatherwick to Brooke Guest. Short, pulling, Edged for no runs, fielded by Hurst.
15.2Blatherwick to Z Chappell1
One run. Jack Blatherwick to Zak Chappell. Half volley, flick, Played to deep backward square leg for 1 run.
15.1Blatherwick to B Guest1
One run. Jack Blatherwick to Brooke Guest. Length ball, Late Cut, Played to short third man for 1 run.
15.1Blatherwick to B Guestwd
Wide. Wide Jack Blatherwick to Brooke Guest. Back of a length, Leave, for 1 run, fielded by Hurst.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached