49.6Khan to T Chetty223/9
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Fatima Sana Khan to Trisha Chetty. Slower length ball, outside off stump on the front foot flick, missed. Fatima ends the innings with a wicket! South Africa are curtailed to 223 by Pakistan bowlers. Can Pakistan chase it down with ease? Let's see in a short while.
49.4S Ismail222/8
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Fatima Sana Khan to Shabnim Ismail. Full toss, down leg side on the front foot Slog, to short mid wicket for 1 run, fielded by Amin, by Nawaz, shy attempt by Baig. Another one bites the dust.
47.3Khan to S Luus209/7
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Fatima Sana Khan to Sune Luus. Full toss, middle stump moves in front Scoop, hit pad. Plumb in front.
43.2Sundhu to C Tryon175/6
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught & Bowled. Nashra Sundhu to Chloe Tryon. Stock ball half volley, outside off stump down the track driving, mis-timed back to bowler. Nashra takes a simple catch of her own bowling.
31.6Fatima to M Kapp120/5
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Ghulam Fatima to Marizanne Kapp. Leg spinner full toss, to leg on the front foot slog sweeping, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to deep backward square leg, caught by Amin. Sidra takes a brilliant catch to dismiss Marizanne Kapp for seven.
29.5Fatima to M du Preez110/4
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Ghulam Fatima to Mignon du Preez. Leg spinner length ball, outside off stump on the back foot cutting, mis-timed to gully, caught by Sohail. Double delight for Ghulam.
29.2Fatima to L Wolvaardt110/3
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught & Bowled. Ghulam Fatima to Laura Wolvaardt. Leg spinner length ball, middle stump on the front foot working, leading edge to silly mid off. Ghulam gets her first World Cup wicket.
7.4Baig to T Brits21/2
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Diana Baig to Tazmin Brits. Length ball, outside off stump on the back foot pushing, outside edge, caught by Nawaz. Sidra takes a stunner to send Brits packing.
2.4Khan to L Lee9/1
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Fatima Sana Khan to Lizelle Lee. Length ball, outside off stump on the front foot driving, outside edge, caught by Nawaz. Lovely delivery! Edged and taken.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached