39.4N Thain137/10
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Cameron Frendo to Noah Thain. Length ball, pushing, Played to mid wicket for 1 run, fielded by MacMillan, by Aitken.
37.1Frendo to T Ali127/9
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Cameron Frendo to Tazeem Ali. Length ball, pushing, missed to silly point.
25.2MacMillan to E Jack78/8
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Raf MacMillan to Eddie Jack. Length ball, defending, hit pad to silly point.
25.1MacMillan to D Kelly78/7
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Raf MacMillan to Dominic Kelly. Length ball, defending, hit pad to silly point.
24.2Frendo to H Hurle78/6
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Cameron Frendo to Henry Hurle. Back of a length, cutting, Edged to short leg.
21.4MacMillan to J Carney69/5
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Raf MacMillan to Jack Carney. Length ball, driving, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to long on, caught by Vidler.
8.1Vidler to T Wylie21/4
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Callum Vidler to Theo Wylie. Length ball, pushing, Edged in the air uncontrolled, caught by Aitken.
4.2Vidler to H Shaikh15/3
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Callum Vidler to Hamza Shaikh. Length ball, driving, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to mid off, caught by Hicks.
3.2Menzies to R Whitfield13/2
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Tom Menzies to Ross Whitfield. Yorker, flick, hit pad to short leg.
1.5Menzies to B McKinney11/1
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Tom Menzies to Ben McKinney. Length ball, driving, Edged in the air uncontrolled, caught by Aitken.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached