The Hundred - The Hundred Men 2021 - Domestic The HundredAugust 21, 2021
18.1Milne to A Davies145/5
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Adam Milne to Alex Davies. Slower ball back of a length, outside off stump on the back foot Late Cut, top edge in the air uncontrolled to short third man, caught by Tahir. Slower ball works it out for Milne.
13.5Livingstone to T David103/4
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Liam Livingstone to Tim David. Leg spinner length ball, wide outside off stump on the front foot driving, thick edge in the air uncontrolled to third man, caught by Bedingham. Miles in the air, and Bedingham takes an excellent catch.
12.1Howell to P Stirling85/3
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Benny Howell to Paul Stirling. Slower length ball, outside off stump on the back foot cutting, bottom edge, caught by Benjamin. A well-deserved innings from Stirling comes to an end.
6.2Tahir to J Vince35/2
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Imran Tahir to James Vince. Leg spinner length ball, middle stump on the front foot sweeping, missed. A big wicket for Birmingham Phoenix! Skipper departs quickly for four.
2.2Milne to Q de Kock15/1
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Adam Milne to Quinton de Kock. Short, outside off stump moves in front hooking, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to short fine leg, caught by Pennington. Mistimes and gives away his wicket.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached