The Hundred - The Hundred Women 2021 - Womens Domestic The HundredJuly 30, 2021
18.4Shrubsole to E Burns135/4
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Anya Shrubsole to Erin Burns. Length ball, outside off stump on the front foot working, hit pad. Trapped in front! Fourth wicket down for Birmingham Phoenix.
18.3K Mack135/3
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Anya Shrubsole to Katie Mack. Length ball, middle stump down the track working, to deep mid wicket for 1 run, fielded by Dunkley, by Rudd. Excellent fielding effort from Dunkley.
9.5Wellington to E Jones63/2
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Amanda-Jade Wellington to Evelyn Jones. Leg spinner length ball, off stump down the track Slog, missed. Cleaned him up. Second wicket down for Birmingham Phoenix.
8.5Wellington to S Verma58/1
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Amanda-Jade Wellington to Shafali Verma. Leg spinner length ball, off stump moves in front working, hit pad. Up goes the dreaded finger.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached