45.2K Brunt196/9
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Hannah Rowe to Katherine Brunt. Back of a length, outside off stump on the back foot pulling, mis-timed to mid wicket for 1 run, fielded by Green, by Martin. What a piece of Fielding from Green. England are in deep trouble.
44.5Mackay to K Cross194/8
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Frances Mackay to Kate Cross. Off break length ball, outside off stump on the back foot defending, hit pad. Mackay traps Cross in front. England eight down. New Zealand still believe.
44.2Mackay to S Ecclestone192/7
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Frances Mackay to Sophie Ecclestone. Quicker length ball, outside off stump on the back foot pulling, bottom edge. Chopped on! Mackay has her third.
43.2Kerr to N Sciver187/6
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Jess Kerr to Natalie Sciver. Length ball, outside off stump on the back foot driving, missed. Jess Kerr picks her second wicket. Sciver's patient knock comes to an end.
40.4Mackay to S Dunkley176/5
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Frances Mackay to Sophia Dunkley. Off break length ball, outside off stump on the front foot defending, missed. Peach of a delivery! Mackay dismisses the well-set Dunkley.
26.1Halliday to A Jones106/4
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Brooke Halliday to Amy Jones. Full toss, middle stump on the back foot working, mis-timed to short mid wicket, caught by Satterthwaite. Soft dismissal. The part-timer Halliday does the job.
22.5Mackay to H Knight98/3
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Frances Mackay to Heather Knight. Off break half volley, outside off stump on the front foot reverse sweeping, hit pad. Mackay provides the breakthrough. The English skipper walks back to the pavilion.
9.6Tahuhu to T Beaumont53/2
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Lea Tahuhu to Tammy Beaumont. Length ball, outside off stump on the front foot defending, missed. Tahuhu sneaks through and knocks her over.
2.5Kerr to D Wyatt17/1
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Jess Kerr to Danni Wyatt. In-swinging length ball, outside off stump on the front foot driving, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to mid off, caught by Rowe. One-shot too many. Rowe takes a good catch running back.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached