49.5F Jonas256/10
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Deandra Dottin to Hannah Rowe. Length ball, outside off stump on the back foot cutting, missed, fielded by Campbelle. All out! Game over! West Indies win the match by three runs. Sophie Devine played a lone-warrior knock of 108. In the end, Katey Martin tried her best but couldn't finish the game. Dottin bowled brilliantly in the final over and picked up two crucial wickets. Hayley Matthews has been adjugded as Player of the Match for her all-round performance. Join us for tomorrow's double-header, Until then, cheers.
49.4Dottin to J Kerr256/9
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Deandra Dottin to Jess Kerr. Length ball, outside off stump backing away driving, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to mid off, caught by Henry. Dottin gets her second wicket.
49.2Dottin to K Martin255/8
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Deandra Dottin to Katey Martin. In-swinging half volley, to leg on the front foot flick, hit pad. Big blow for New Zealand.
44.1Henry to S Devine215/7
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught & Bowled. Chinelle Henry to Sophie Devine. Length ball, outside off stump on the front foot driving, mis-timed to silly mid off. A responsible knock comes to an end.
34.4Matthews to B Halliday162/6
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Hayley Matthews to Brooke Halliday. Off break length ball, outside off stump on the back foot Steer, outside edge to first slip, caught by Mohammed. Six down for New Zealand.
32.5Selman to M Green152/5
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Shakera Selman to Maddy Green. Length ball, middle stump down the track flick, mis-timed to short mid wicket, caught by Taylor. New Zealand are in deep trouble.
29.1Mohammed to L Tahuhu131/4
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Anisa Mohammed to Lea Tahuhu. Off break length ball, outside off stump on the front foot Slog, missed. Gate-crashed.
27.6Mohammed to A Satterthwaite123/3
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Anisa Mohammed to Amy Satterthwaite. Off break half volley, middle stump on the front foot sweeping, hit pad. Plumb in front.
11.2Matthews to A Kerr47/2
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Hayley Matthews to Amelia Kerr. Off break length ball, outside off stump on the back foot working, hit pad. The dreaded finger of the umpire goes up in a flash.
3.2S Bates14/1
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Chinelle Henry to Sophie Devine. Length ball, outside off stump on the front foot driving, back to bowler. Unfortunate dismissal for Bates.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached